Deschutes Estuary Restoration Project
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The restoration of Capital Lake to tidal wetland was described by PSNERP and pursued by the Deschutes Estuary Restoration Team and the Squaxin Island Tribe with support from the City of Olympia council. The Lake is governed by Washington Department of Enterprise Services which manages the state capitol campus.
- DES hosts a document library, however this may or may not be accessible over time.
- DES completed a SEPA-driven assessment of the effects of the various alternatives for lake management and selected a preferred alternative of estuary restoration.
- File:DES 2022 capitol lake deschutes estuary EIS summary.pdf provides an overview of the EIS.
- November 2024 - Arthur West files suit against multiple parties claiming federal commitment to restoration through its design funding to Squaxin Island Tribe and interaction between estuary restoration and harbor remediation.