Cereghino 2015 accelerating estuary restoration
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Cereghino, P.R. 2015. Recommendations for Accelerating Estuary Restoration in Puget Sound. Prepared for the Puget Sound Partnership and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife by NOAA Fisheries Restoration Center, Seattle, WA. 20 pp.
Development of Puget Sound estuaries has resulted in a loss of over 64,400 acres representing 74% of estuary wetlands and associated services. Progress towards recovering estuary acres is incremental and challenging. The people who develop and implement the projects understand best what stops us from completing this work. To evaluate barriers to project implementation, we completed 20 hours of interviews with 65 people directly involved with estuary restoration project development. We identified six ingredients necessary to complete future planned work. The ability to be nimble in acquiring land is the most challenging ingredient in most landscapes. Sociopolitical conflicts over changing land use, and the inefficient process for securing full project funding puts a severe strain on very limited capacity available for the project development phase of work. Sixteen recommendations are proposed that may accelerate restoration of estuaries in Puget Sound.
- Final draft distributed 27 July 2015