Puget Sound Ecosystem Planning

From Salish Sea Wiki
map showing overlapping polygon unites between three regional studies

Planning is an essential component of ecosystem management, and requires a spatially explicit understanding of the landscape and its dynamics, as well as to goals of stakeholders. Ecosystem planning is complex, and can rapidly exceed the ability of stakeholders the understand and embrace planning outcomes. Different authorities will embrace different planning approches for different purposes. Until recently, with development of interoperable web-based spatial data services, access to the spatial details of ecosystem plans has been limited. As a result, Puget Sound is awash in a variety of overlapping plans, that reflect a variety of different information sources and purposes. This page is intended to explore the potential for creative order amid planning chaos.

The Plans[edit]

There are three four current spatial frameworks at a local watershed scale:

Human System Boundaries[edit]

The Overlap Issue[edit]

One fundmental issue is that ecosystem boundaries are not precise. While each study may nest assessment units differently based on political or ecological goals

The Purpose Issue[edit]