State Salmon Programs
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A coordinated set of state and federal funds for the protection and restoration of salmon habitat.
- Policies are approved by the Salmon Recovery Funding Board which is staffed by RCO and includes local and state representatives.
- This includes awards secured by the Governor's Salmon Recovery Office (GSRO) from the Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) which are matched by state capital appropriations ("State Salmon")
- Lead Entities are integral in developing spending plans.
- This includes Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration program, which funds large recovery actions in Puget Sound, and is administered in part by [[The Puget Sound Partnership. Unlike state salmon and PCSRF funds, PSAR funds are competitively selected, however policies are still overseen by SRFB.
- This is the cornerstone of the Salmon-side of RCO, which also includes ESRP, FFFPP, and the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board.