State Salmon Programs
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A coordinated set of state and federal funds for the protection and restoration of salmon habitat.
- Policies are approved by the Salmon Recovery Funding Board which is staffed by RCO and includes local and state representatives.
- This includes awards secured by the Governor's Salmon Recovery Office (GSRO) from the Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) which are matched by state capital appropriations ("State Salmon")
- Lead Entities are integral in developing spending plans.
- This includes Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration program, which funds large recovery actions in Puget Sound, and is administered in part by [[The Puget Sound Partnership. Unlike state salmon and PCSRF funds, PSAR funds are competitively selected, however policies are still overseen by SRFB.
- This is the cornerstone of the Salmon-side of RCO, which also includes ESRP, FFFPP, and the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board.
Workgroups and Efforts in Salmon and Funding
The following workgroup pages are associated with Salmon and Funding.
The following effort pages are associated with Salmon and Funding.