Regional Districts

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Regional Districts are the British Columbian equivalent of Washington State Counties, but with fewer administrative powers (more authority retained by the Province). The Regional District system is unique to Canada, established under the 1965 Municipal Act. They are typically governed by a board of directors with representatives from municipalities and electoral areas, and in some cases first nations, with representation proportional to population. Regional Districts focus on Land Use planning for rural areas, regional Infrastructure such as Water Supply and emergency services. Regional District powers have increased by provincial grant over time, but lack the regulatory role of Counties in the USA.


  • For American readers, districts tends to function as federations of municipalities and unincorporated areas within a Province, compared to Counties that are administrative divisions of the state, with broader authorities, including law enforcement, public health, regulation of public trust resoures, and infrastructure maintenance.

All Workgroups and Efforts in District

District Products

The following Product pages are categorized with District.

Document Icon.jpg  Documents

Website Icon.jpg  Websites & Datasets

Graphic Icon.jpg  Graphics