Whatcom County
Workgroups are collaborative communities, often within an organization that complete efforts
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Public Works is the largest department. Its primary objective is to maintain the integrity of the Whatcom County Road System in an efficient, cost effective manner that provides safe travel for the public. This is accomplished through the work of several divisions: Engineering, Equipment Services, and Maintenance and Operations. Public Works also provides year-round ferry service to Lummi Island.
Natural Resource Division The Natural Resource Division provides technical and project assistance to County departments, community groups and government agencies dealing with water quality, marine resource protection, salmon recovery, noxious weeds and other ecosystem-related watershed concerns in Whatcom County. Programs include:
- Marine Resources
- Noxious Weeds
- Salmon Recovery
- Shellfish Protection Districts
- Watershed Planning (WRIA1)
Stormwater Division The Stormwater Division works to protect water resources, improve water quality, and reduce impacts from stormwater runoff in Whatcom County. We implement stormwater programs and build capital improvement projects in target watersheds and lead Whatcom County’s NPDES Phase II stormwater program. Program areas and target watersheds:
- Municipal Stormwater -NPDES Phase II
- Birch Bay
- Lake Samish
- Lake Whatcom
- Administration