Grossman 2022 nisqually marsh sediment supply summary
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View File: Grossman 2022 nisqually marsh sediment supply summary.pdf
Grossman, E.E. 2022. Restoring Sediment Supply to Sustain Delta Marsh (Nisqually Delta), Summary of the ESRP Learning Project Assessment of vulnerabilities and opportunities to
restore marsh sediment supply at Nisqually River Delta, west-central Washington, USA. Prepared for Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. pp. 7.
Notes[edit source]
- Summary for ESRP Learning Project
- Paper archived:
- Citation of paper: Grossman, E.E., Crosby, S.C., Stevens, A.W., Nowacki, D.J., vanAredonk, N.R. and Curran, C.A., 2022, Assessment of vulnerabilities and opportunities to restore marsh sediment supply at Nisqually River Delta, west-central Washington, USA”, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2022-1088, 50 p.,