Bull Kelp
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Bull Kelp canopy is a Puget Sound Vital Sign.
- Paul Dorn suggests kelp crab predation may be a control on recruitment through herbivory.
- Kelp Survey Project by Northwest Straits Initiative supports citizen science kelp surveys.
- DNR has a kelp canopy status and trends program (presentation by Danielle Claar in 2023).
- Many sites with decline and total losses in South Puget Sound.
- floating kelp status varies by sub-basin.
- DNR kelp monitoring sub-basins discriminates between East and West Juan de Fuca and North Puget Sound and San Juan Islands.
- Many sub-basins have large data gaps in status.
- DNR is using drone and fixed wing imagery using near infra-red to monitor kelp beds. They have tons of imagery.
- https://kelp-canopy-vital-sign-for-puget-sound-wadnr.hub.arcgis.com/
- DNR maintains an Interactive map that provides details about each monitoring site.