Frye Cove

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Fry cove is a coastal inlet site (Inlet 17 in Cereghino et al 2012) formed in a drowned stream channel, located on the west shore of Eld Inlet and receiving runoff from a portion of middle Steamboat Island. A portion of the watershed and shoreline is part of Frye Cove County Park.


Nearshore Strategies Data Report

Cereghino et al 2012 completed a soundwide analysis to identify and describe coastal inlet sites in Puget Sounds as part of a nearshore ecosystem restoration strategy (using remote sensing data c. 2000-2006). The following narrative was developed to support distribution and use of analysis results:

Coastal Inlet Site 17 is one of 144 coastal inlets identified in the South Sound Sub-basin. This embayment had a historic length of 1440 meters, with 0 acres of wetland, receiving flows from a 4.9 square km watershed. Based on these metrics, it ranks 65 out of 144 in its subbasin, and scores 46 out of 100 point in terms of size and complexity among all Puget Sound Coastal Inlets. The PSNERP Strategy Analysis assigned this site to group P4, a large group of 68 sites of average length embayments, but with smaller than average watersheds and wetlands.
Over five generations of coastal inlet development, mapping suggests this embayment may have lost 43% of its historical embayment shoreline length, and none of current shoreline has evidence of tidal flow degradation. An estimated 1% of the nearshore zone, and 1% of the contributing watershed has impervious surfaces greater than 10%. Based on these metrics, this site ranks 104 out of 144 in its sub-basin, and scores 22 out of 100 points among all Puget Sound coastal inlets, in terms of the intensity and complexity of degradation. The PSNERP Strategy Analysis assigned this site to group D1, a very large and variable group of 162 sites with low potential for lost length, and not particularly high levels of shoreline modification, or development in the nearshore and watershed. Based on this assignement, the site is recommended for a management approach focussed on protection of ecosystem processes to prevent degradation of ecosystem services in the future.