Johannessen et al 2014 marine shoreline design guidance

From Salish Sea Wiki

Category:Beach Nourishment Johannessen, J., A. MacLennan, A. Blue, J. Waggoner, S. Williams, W. Gerstel, R. Barnard, R. Carman, and H. Shipman. 2014. Marine Shoreline Design Guidelines. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington.


  • As of 2022 remains the recommended basis for shoreline assessment and design.
  • WDFW's authority under Hydraulic Project Approval requires permitting of armoring to protect single-family residences on marine shorelines, which may inform assessment methods and results.
  • Guidelines for designing shoreline protection projects that implement “softer” approaches. Beach nourishment is extensively detailed here, particularly its use for softshore approaches. However, the use of nourishment as compensatory mitigation associated with hard structures is advised against.