WDNR 2001 ShoreZone Geodatabase
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The Washington State ShoreZone Inventory describes physical and biological characteristics of intertidal and shallow subtidal areas along Washington State 's saltwater shorelines. This synoptic inventory includes more than 50 habitat characteristics, including physical features such as shoreline type, vegetation types such as kelp and eelgrass, and anthropogenic features such as bulkheads. It has been used in a wide range of planning and research projects.
- The first complete shoreline survey. Flown in 1996-97 by helicopter with observers and video.
- Includes higher resolution physical and biological attributes than any successive survey.
- File:Berry et al 2001 shorezone users manual.pdf provides an overview of the dataset.
- Dethier 1990 defines a shoreline classification system that is included in the linework
- Shorezone establishes the DNR shoreline that was later used by PSNERP ad File:McBride et al 2009 nearshore habitat geomorphic classification.pdf and File:MacLennan et al 2017 beach strategies phase one summary.pdf.
- File:WDNR 2001 shorezone data dictionary.pdf describes the data structure of the shorezone data.