NOAA 2022 mitigation policy
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File Link: NOAA 2022 mitigation policy.pdf
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 2022. NOAA mitigation policy for trust resources. NAO 2016-123. 10 pp.
- Defines NOAA policy for Mitigation including banking and In Lieu Fee programs.
- Defines eight priniciples:
- Apply the mitigation sequence appropriately.
- Employ the best scientific information available.
- Apply a holistic landscape and/or seascape approach.
- Promote mitigation strategies with high probability of success.
- Consider climate change and climate resilience when evaluating and developing mitigation measures.
- Implement compensatory mitigation that is proportional to impacts to NOAA trust resources and offsets those impacts to the full extent provided by NOAA authorities.
- Use preservation of intact habitat as compensation appropriately, taking into account the high risk of habitat loss in many coastal and marine landscapes and seascapes.
- Collaborate with partner agencies and stakeholders.