Beach Food Webs and Biodiversity

From Salish Sea Wiki

Beach food webs and biodiversity is a general topic that considers factors affecting the Biodiversity and Food Webs of Beaches. Of particular interest are the use of beaches by Forage Fish and how Beach Restoration or Shoreline Management affects beach ecosystems. The Washington Shoreline Management Act requires that local Jurisdictions manage shorelines for no net loss of shoreline ecosystem functions. Beach physical and biological functions are also Regulated under the Endangered Species Act.


  • The biota and thus food webs found on beaches are defined by elevations zones related to tides. These Tidal Data are gathered and analyzed by the NOAA National Ocean Service.
  • As an ecotone between aquatic and terrestrial habitats, beaches have a high biodiversity.
  • Substrate, salinity and elevation strongly define biota. Dethier 1990 provides a classification of coastal habitats including beaches and their typical biological composition that is presented in the ShoreZone Geodatabase
  • The Puget Sound Watershed Characterization Project completed a biological overlay that aggregated existing WDFW data sets to evaluate potential indicators of coastal biodiversity.
  • The relative importance of the primary production provided by Eelgrass and Macroalgae also differs based on sub-tidal sediment texture.

Products in Beach and Food Webs¦Biodiversity[edit]

The following Product pages are categorized with the categories Beach and Food Webs¦Biodiversity.

Beach Topics[edit]

16 Topics in Beach