Hayes et al 2011 bulltrout use in skagit bay

From Salish Sea Wiki

Michael C. Hayes, Stephen P. Rubin, Reginald R. Reisenbichler, Fred A. Goetz, Eric Jeanes & Aundrea McBride. 2011. Marine Habitat Use by Anadromous Bull Trout from the Skagit River, Washington. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 3:1, 394-410

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  • Confirms marine migration between March and August.
  • Suggests prolonged residence and potential for inter-annual fidelity in marine habitat use.
  • Shows preference for beach habitats with SAV presence, within 400 m of shore at less than 4 m depth.
  • Fish do not discontinue use of more developed shorelines (e.g. Utsalady Bay)