Stage-Zero Floodplain Restoration
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Stage-Zero Restoration is shorthand for a range of project types that aim to radically increase floodplain connectivity through reduction of channel cross-section and addition of roughness. The lingo references a channel change model described in Cluer and Thorne 2014 stream evolution model which suggests that interaction of Wood in Streams and Beaver resulted in many Floodplains with poorly defined channels and abundant wetlands. This analysis raises questions about reference conditions for Restoration and a channel-focused approach to river restoration. In some settings this may reflect shift from efforts focused on Engineered Log Jams although these strategies overlap.
- These concepts are related to concepts of "Low Tech River Restoration" and "Process Based River Restoration" and "Low Tech Process Based River Restoration" and the use of "Beaver Dam Analogs".
- As of 2025 is serving as an online archive of related materials.
- Cluer and Thorne 2014 stream evolution model established the framework in which this river restoration re-framing has occured.
- Scott 2023 valley bottom reset monitoring Deer Creek Oregon describes the results of a "valley bottom reset" project.
Geomorphology and Floodplain Topics[edit]
The following Topic pages are categorized with Geomorphology and Floodplain.
Efforts and Products in Geomorphology and Floodplain[edit]
7 documents in Geomorphology and Floodplain- Cluer and Thorne 2014 stream evolution model
- DeVries 2010 lower skykomish geomorphic analysis
- McHenry et al 2007 ELJ monitoring elwha river
- Montgomery et al 2003 geomorphic effects of wood in rivers
- Olson et al. 2014 methodology for planning level channel migration zones
- Rapp & Abbe 2003 framework for mapping channel migration zone
- Scott 2023 valley bottom reset monitoring Deer Creek Oregon