Olson et al. 2014 methodology for planning level channel migration zones
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Olson, P.L., N.T. Legg, T.B. Abbe, M.A. Reinhart, J.K. Radloff. 2014. A Methodology for delineating planning-level channel migration zones. Ecology Publication #14-06-025. Washington State Department of Ecology, Bellevue, Washington. 83 pp.
- The Washington State administrative codes that implement the Shoreline Management Act (SMA) require communities to identify the general location of channel migration zones (CMZs), and regulate development within these areas on shoreline streams. The SMA and its administrative codes provide no guidance on planning-level CMZ delineation methods. The Washington Department of Ecology developed a planning-level CMZ delineation (pCMZ) method to support local communities’ updates and implementation of the SMA requirements. This document describes the pCMZ approach in context of Washington State regulations