Cushman Hydroelectric Project
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Tacoma Public Utilities maintains the Cushman Hydro Project to power just under 20,000 homes. The Cushman Dam forms Lake Cushman, traditional fishing, hunting and gathering area of the Skokomish Indian Nation. Relicensing of the Cushman Dam included negotiations over fishery management and flow control. The operation of the dam has affects on the Skokomish Floodplain through modification of the peak flow and sediment regime. The effects of the hydro project and their mitigation are a significant element of restoration in the Skokomish River Basin.
- - includes information about the 2009 settlement agreement with the Skokomish Indian Nation
- Skokomish Confluence projects aim to restore normative river processes and structures where the North Fork enters the mainstem. The North Fork is the flow governed by the Dam.
- - video created to describe fishery mitigation under Cushman agreements.