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Bioregionalism is a concept that emerged in the 1970's to explore and describe the relationship between place, culture, and sustainability.
- Planet Drum Foundation - - founded by Peter Berg on the the pioneers of the bioregional movement.
- Center for Bioregional Living -
- Schumacher Center for a New Economics - - named after British economist E.F. Schumacher who penned Small is Beautiful.
- Wearne et al. 2023 contemporary bioregionalism summarizes interviews with contemporary bioregional thinkers summaraizing essential elements of a bioregional view.
Story of Place
The Story of Place is concept that has evolved within bioregional circles to describe how a range of economic, historical, ecological, social and cultural factors combine to define the unique context of each area of the earth. Discovering and telling the story of place thus becomes a strategic exercise for intervention in social-ecological systems. Helping a community understand and tell its own story of place can be empowering.