Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas
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Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas are regulated under the Growth Management Act as part of Critical Areas Regulation (CAR). These regulations and codes require local jurisdications to prevent contamination of groundwater used for drinking water supply.
- WAC 365-190-100 relates to management of CARA.
- Like all CAR, local planning is generally considered sufficient unless contested. An insufficient regulation based on Best Available Science can be contested at the Growth Management Hearings Board.
- Best Available Science is in part provided by Ecology's CARA Guidance. This guidance has been referenced in the past as part of the basis for a claim that local planning is not consistent with GMA
- More general information about contesting insufficiency should be discussed on the GMA page.
- Futurewise has been increasingly involved in groundwater protection challenges outside of Puget Sound.
- From March 10 to May 7, 2021, Ecology is seeking public comment on its draft CARA guidance update (last done in 2005). (