Environmental and Land Use Hearings Office

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Environmental & Land Use Hearings Office (ELUHO), created in 2011, is the umbrella administrative agency for the three separate Boards that hear appeals of certain land use and environmental decisions in Washington. Each of these Boards operates independent of one another, hearing appeals and deciding cases within their separate areas of expertise and jurisdiction. See RCW 43.21B.005 for more information.

Growth Management Hearings Board[edit]

Shoreline Hearings Board[edit]

Pollution Control Hearings Board[edit]

The Pollution Control Hearings Board hears appeals from orders and decisions made by the Department of Ecology and other agencies as provided by law. The Board's sole function is to provide litigants a full and complete administrative hearing, as promptly as possible, followed by a fair and impartial written decision based on the facts and law. The Board is not affiliated with the Department of Ecology or any other state agency.

The Board consists of three members, who are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the State Senate for staggered six-year terms. One of the three must be an attorney. All are salaried employees of the State, who also serve on the Shorelines Hearings Board.