Western Pond Turtle
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- https://www.fws.gov/species/western-pond-turtle-actinemys-marmorata
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_pond_turtle
- https://wdfw.wa.gov/species-habitats/species/actinemys-marmorata
- WDFW 2009 Washington State Herp Atlas provides distribution https://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/02135
- ODFW 2015 turtle guide
- ODFW 2020 turtle survey protocol
- Northwestern Pond Turtle has been extirpated in British Columbia with only a few populations known in Washington.
- Terrestrial habitat use for 6 months of the year.
- Preferred aquatic conditions are standing or slow moving water with underwater shelter sites and soft muddy bottoms for burrowing and abundant basking sites.
- Basking is essential for physiological functions.
- During hot periods they estivate under mud or leaf litter to regulate body temperature.
- Juveniles use shallow muddy bottoms while adults use deeper muddy bottoms.
- Most active in aquatic in spring smmer and fall.
- Upland habitat sparse vegetation with exposure to sunlight
- Nesting within 500 m of water in areas with sparse vegetation with no canopy and exposure to sunlight.
- Nestlings emerge march to paril in the following year after a year in the nest.
- Thus require a connected network of related habitat.
- Juvenile mortality has increased from bullfrog and bass.