The Private Sector
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A wide variety of workgroups operate outside of governmental systems of stewardship. A portion of private stewardship effort is supported by Funding from State, Provincial or Federal sources. Non-Governmental Organizations descirbe a wide range of private workgroups that don't operate to make a profit. They may survive off membership, donors, or public or private grants. NGOs may be created by governments or for-profit corporations to serve their purposes. Land Trusts are a particularly important type of NGO that holds Conservation Lands in trust. Many private for-profit companies provide goods and services to support stewardship. The vast majority of land is privately owned with owners that care about stewardship and may even create defacto Conservation Lands. Sometimes groups of people just work together in Non-Institutional Workgroups.
All Workgroups and Efforts in Private
- Adopt-A-Stream Foundation
- Agrarian Commons
- Agroforestry Northwest
- American Rivers
- Arbutus Folk School
- Bainbridge Island Land Trust
- Biotonomy
- Black Hills Audubon Society
- Bullitt Foundation
- Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway
- Capitol Land Trust
- Center for Natural Lands Management
- Community Farmland Trust
- Community Foundation of South Puget Sound
- Confluence Environmental
- Conservation Northwest
- Cramer Fish Sciences
- Creekside Conservancy
- Deschutes Estuary Restoration Team
- Ducks Unlimited
- Earth Economics
- Earth Law Center
- EcoSense
- Environmental Science Associates
- Forterra
- Friends of the San Juans
- Futurewise
- Great Peninsula Conservancy
- Greater Gig Harbor Foundation
- Greenbelt Consulting
- Habitat Acquisition Trust
- Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group
- Investment Agriculture Foundation
- Land Trust Alliance of British Colombia
- Living Future Institute
- Microsoft Research
- Municipal Research and Services Center
- Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC)
- National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
- National Forest Foundation
- National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
- Native Plant Salvage Foundation
- Natural Systems Design
- Nature Trust of British Columbia
- Nisqually Land Trust
- Nisqually Reach Nature Center
- Non-Governmental Organizations
- Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association
- North Cascades Conservation Council (NCCC)
- North Cascades Institute
- North Olympic Salmon Coalition
- Northwest Chinook Recovery
- Northwest Meadoworks LLC
- Northwest Natural Resources Group
- Northwest Watershed Institute
- Oak and Orca Bioregional School
- Olympia Coalition for Ecosystems Preservation
- Olympic Climate Action
- Olympic Forest Coalition
- Pacific Salmon Foundation
- People for the Preservation of Tualco Valley
- Protect the Peninsula's Future
- Puget Sound Restoration Fund
- Quaker Voice Environmental Stewardship Working Group
- Regional Fishery Enhancement Groups
- Resources Legacy Fund
- Salt Spring Agricultural Alliance
- SeaChange Marine Conservation Society
- Seed Rain
- Skagit Land Trust
- Skokomish Watershed Action Team
- Sno-Valley Tilth
- Snoqualmie Valley Protection Alliance
- Society for Ecological Restoration
- St. Martins University
- Starflower Foundation
- Stewardship Partners
- Sustainability Ambassadors
- The Cascadia Prairie Oak Partnership
- The Estuarium
- The Madrona Institute
- The Nature Conservancy of Washington
- Transition Salt Spring
- Wabash Farms
- Washington Association of Land Trusts
- Washington Environmental Council
- Washington Farmland Trust
- Washington Native Plant Society
- Washington Wildlife Federation
- Water Rangers
- Watershed Science and Engineering
- Whatcom Land Trust
- Whatcom Million Trees Project
- Whidbey Environmental Action Network
- Whidbey Institute
- Wild Fish Conservancy
- Wild Salmon Center
- Wildlands, Inc.