Wild Fish Conservancy
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A nonprofit conservation organization headquartered in Duvall Washington, Wild Fish Conservancy is dedicated to the recovery and conservation of the region’s wild-fish ecosystems. Through science, education, and advocacy, WFC promotes technically and socially responsible habitat, hatchery and harvest management to better sustain the region’s wild-fish heritage.
The organization was founded in 1989 under the name Washington Trout. In February 2007 we changed our name to Wild Fish Conservancy in order to better communicate our goals and strategies, and to minimize ambiguities regarding our mission and affiliations. Since 1989, Wild Fish Conservancy has built a reputation among public and tribal agencies, the business community, scientific institutions, and environmental and community organizations for effectiveness, technical credibility, and a focus on the resource.
Wild Fish Conservancy has a staff of over 20 professional scientists, advocates, and educators, and a Board of Directors made up of dedicated and accomplished scientists, natural-resource managers, business people, and activists. We work closely with a broad and dynamic coalition of regional and national conservation organizations, academic institutions, community organizations, and other scientists. Wild Fish Conservancy is often relied on by other conservation advocates for its technical expertise in wild-fish ecology, and the Wild Fish Conservancy staff has developed mutually respectful, professional relationships with key management and policy personnel at all relevant local, state, tribal, and federal agencies.
- WFC has been completing water typing surveys of streams, which typically expand the network of streams identified as fish-bearing and identify restoration opportunities.
- http://wildfishconservancy.org/what-we-do/science/ecosystem-preservation/water-typing