Sno-Stilly Riparian Zone Management Strategy

From Salish Sea Wiki

Snohomish riparian zone management pilot.png
This effort is linked to Coordinated Investment pilot work

This is an evolving long-term project led by NOAA Restoration Center that aims to integrate multiple efforts to cultivate a more comprehensive riparian zone management strategy in the Snohomish-Stillaguamish lowlands, that integrates Salmon Recovery and TMDL implementation with farmland preservation and regulatory coordination as part of Coordinated Investment efforts.

This work follows some initial collaboration between SCD and NOAA in the Working Buffer Pilot Project. It has been running parallel to Snohomish Agricultural Resilience efforts led by SCD, which includes the Snohomish Farmland Protection Strategy work built around mapping and prioritization by PCC Farmland Trust and supported by the Snohomish Sustainable Lands Strategy.


Geographic Information System[edit]

To support discussion, analysis and quantification of riparian zone work, NOAA staff are developing a multi-scale riparian zone geodatabase, using best available local data sources to explore how we ask questions about the riparian zone, and how broad strategies defined by legal mandates translate into a detailed understanding of local landscapes.

GIS study has been limited to lowland sub-basinsThe current model combines waterbodies, waterway lines, and topographic flow pathways into a riparian netowrkWhen combined with catchment analysis and high-resolution land cover and development data, we can characterize durable units to develop and quantify riparian zone management

Contact for data sharing.


Reference Materials[edit]

Stillaguamish River strategies build on Recovery planning and TMDL temperature analysis.

Snohomish River work builds on Salmon Recovery Planning, Pilchuck River Watershed assessments, French Creek Watershed analyses, and the impending Temperature and Fecal Coliform TMDL.
