Lyons & Ramsey 2013 tide gate synthesis

From Salish Sea Wiki

Lyons & Ramsey 2013 tide gate synthesis.pdf

Lyons, B. and M. Ramsey. 2013. Summary and synthesis of comments on a study of the “Biological and Physical Effects of ‘Fish-Friendly’ Tide Gates”. Program Report, Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, WA. 67 pp.


  • Contains a complete version of Greene et al 2012, which reports on a intensive and extensive of tide gate effects of estuarine fish abundance above and below tide gate channels, as compared to reference channels.
  • Both self-regulating tide gates, and standard flap gates were compared.
  • Synthesis of tide gate effects is being developed at Tide gate effects on salmonid passage and utilization