Johnson & Ryba 1992 king county recommendations for buffer width

From Salish Sea Wiki

Johnson & Ryba 1992 king county recommendations for buffer width.pdf
Johnson, A.W. and D.M. Ryba. 1992. A literature review of recommended buffer widths to maintain various functions of stream riparian areas. prepared for King County Surface Water Management Division, Seattle, WA. Prepared by Aquatic Resource Consultants, Seattle, WA, and Puget Sound Native Plants, Renton, WA. 14 pp.


  • This copy is missing bibliography of citations, and includes many older local studies!
  • Concise summary of literature which identifies a 30m buffer as providing a range of functions.
  • Describes the tradeoff between variable width and single width buffers, with single width buffers easier to regulate, but not necessarily providing reliable protection and increasing landowner impact, and variable buffers requiring additional labor and expertise.
  • The diversity of impacts, the diversity of stream functions, the variability of context, and the use of correlation, make prescriptions.