Feist et al 2017 coho mortality on urban gradient in puget sound

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Feist, B. E., Buhle, E. R., Baldwin, D. H., Spromberg, J. A., Damm, S. E., Davis, J. W. and Scholz, N. L. (2017), Roads to ruin: conservation threats to a sentinel species across an urban gradient. Ecol Appl. doi:10.1002/eap.1615


  • Bayesian structural equation modelling and a generalized linear mixed-effects model were used to compare the relative influence and interaction among many different landscape variables (road density, population density, road traffic data, as well as precipitation, etc..) to observed mortality and construct a predictive mortality model. A high level of correlation was observed between model predicted mortality and observed mortality.
  • The model was applied to Puget Sound Watershed Characterization assessment units.
  • Spawner mortality was most strongly associated with road use (compared for example to a high density of infrequently used roads).
  • 18 October 2017 Seattle Times Story