MacLennan et al 2017 beach strategies phase one summary

From Salish Sea Wiki

MacLennan, A., B. Rishel, J. Johannessen, A. Lubeck, L. Ode. 2017. Beach strategies phase 1 summary report - identifying target beaches to restore and protect. Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program Learning Project #14-2308. Prepared by Coastal Geologic Services October 25, 2017. pp.39.


  • Expands on initial beach strategy by Cereghino et al 2012.
  • Shoreline still consistent with Berry et al 2001 allowing inclusion of Shorezone data.
  • Associated with updated GIS beach layer.
    • Splits drift cells at divergence zones avoiding overlap in drift cell units created by Simenstad et al 2011.
    • Provides additional armoring inventory analysis expanding on Simenstad et al 2011.
    • Includes metrics to describe shoretype behind armoring, particularly to location of feeder bluffs located behind armoring.
    • Differentiates between Feeder Bluff and Feeder Bluff Exceptional.
    • Includes measures of fetch to further characterize beach systems.
    • Inclusion of linear referencing routes to allow analysis of up-drift and down-drift conditions.