Dean 2011 farm succession strategies
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File Link: Dean 2011 farm succession strategies.pdf
Dean, K. 2011. Farmland changing hands: a study of innovative land transfer strategies. Prepared by Cascade Harvest Coalition for Washington FarmLink.
This guide is divided into ten innovative land transfer strategies, with a corresponding case study/example of
a farm that has employed it to their advantage. (Note: that it does not cover standard purchase).
For each innovative strategy, the following questions will answered:
- Who is involved? Many of these deals will involve a number of players. The likely ones will be listed.
- How does it work? The common scenario will be outlined.
- What are the relative costs and how might they be funded? Strategies require vastly different levels of investment up front. Is this strategy realistic for a beginning farmer with little equity?
- Who pays for what in this deal? Where might investment/ funding come from?
- What are the benefits and challenges? There will be advantages and drawbacks to each strategy discussed.
- What resources support this work? Lists organizations and links to websites where you can go to learn more.
The ten strategies are followed by policy discussion and recommendations that can assist this work in being available and implement-able in communities far and wide.