Briske et al 2008 rotational grazing perception and evidence
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D. D. Briske, J. D. Derner, J. R. Brown, S. D. Fuhlendorf, W. R. Teague, K. M. Havstad, R. L. Gillen, A. J. Ash, and W. D. Willms. 2008. Rotational Grazing on Rangelands: Reconciliation of Perception and Experimental Evidence. Rangeland Ecology & Management 2008 61 (1), 3-17
- "management commitment and ability are the most pivotal components of grazing system effectiveness and that grazing systems do not possess unique properties that enable them to compensate for ineffective management"
- The majority of grazing experiments focus on plant and animal production rather than other ecological effects and are short in duration, and use rigid rotational protocols to increase replicability. Rigid rotation is not consistent with adaptively managed grazing strategies.
- The grazing optimization hypothesis, tested in the 1970s and 80s suggests that primary production will increase under grazing pressure, particularly where early grazing is followed by long rest periods.
- grazing involves a tradeoff between residual leaf area and forage utilization, resulting in similar constraints on all grazed systems.
- short plants with many meristems close to the ground increase under grazing pressure, because they can avoid or tolerate grazing.
- animal benefit increases both as a function of forage quantity and forage quality. Increased grazing frequency can increase forage quality, but promotion of more easily digested plant tissue.
- in experimental designs under controlled conditions, stocking rate and weather are almost always more significant controls of plant/animal growth than rotation.
- The future of grazing research depends on integrating an analysis of variable outcome of whole management systems. The potential of adaptive management to influence grazing outcomes is significant, and rotational grazing allows for greater control and response to changing conditions.
- The statement that grazing disturbance improves soil condition is not supported by controlled experiments or application of basic principles. Again stocking rate is the strongest driver.
- "Management goals, abilities, and opportunities as well as personal goals and values (e.g., human dimensions) are inextricably integrated within grazing systems, and they are likely to interact with the adoption and operation of grazing systems to an equal or greater extent than the underlying ecological processes."
- "Research is required to document these "success stories" and to direct the development of a more robust approach to understanding and implementing successful grazing management."
- "It is disconcerting to realize that little progress has been made in our understanding of management contributions to the performance of grazing systems since Heady (1961) made this insightful observation nearly a half-century ago. Advocates of rotational grazing often support their perceptions by indicating
the experimental grazing research is incorrect, rather than by evaluating and quantifying the potential merits of effective management and planning decisions. A quantitative accounting of the potential managerial contributions to the success of rotational grazing systems is a prerequisite for complete resolution of this controversy."