Baker et al 2020 restoration scaling HaBREM

From Salish Sea Wiki

Baker, M., Domanski, A., Hollweg, T., Murray, J., Lane, D., Skrabis, K., Taylor, R., Moore, T. and DiPinto, L., 2020. Restoration scaling approaches to addressing ecological injury: the habitat-based resource equivalency method. Environmental management, 65, pp.161-177.


  • Method seeks to increase linkage between habitat condition and specific bioenergetic effects on species to provide decision support for NRDA, and requires appropriate data.
  • Presumes that parameters such as productivity, biomass or abundance can be reliable measured as a function of habitat area or volume. While these parameters can be estimated, it is unclear if those estimates can be made precise for a highly migratory and variable species, or if variation can be associated with on-site conditions.