Forterra 2018 DRAFT skykomish-snohomish rivers recreation concept plan
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View File: Forterra 2018 DRAFT skykomish-snohomish rivers recreation concept plan.pdf
Forterra. 2018. Skykomish-Snohomish Rivers Recreation Concept Plan-Draft. Prepared by Forterra, Seattle, Washington. 179 pp.
Since 2015 a broad coalition, led by Snohomish County, with planning assistance from the U.S. National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program, has dedicated innumerable hours developing a Rivers Recreation Concept Plan, including the development of a vision, mission, and goals; infrastructure and asset mapping; landowner agency surveys; and community engagement for infrastructure planning. With this foundational work largely in place, the next, necessary phase toward achieving the vision was the authoring of a comprehensive Rivers Recreation Concept Plan.
In 2017 Snohomish County retained Forterra, a regional sustainability nonprofit and member of the coalition, to support the drafting of a Concept Plan proposal. The following document represents Forterra’s third draft, representing the fulfillment of its contract, which captures:
- Community feedback from outreach and events
- Access site inventory surveys
- Salmon recovery, economic development, and other related plans
- Recommended changes to the first draft of this document received electronically from coalition members between 11/27 and 12/15/17
- Recommended changes to the first draft of this document based on in-person coalition discussion 12/14/17
- Recommended changes to the second draft of this document received electronically from coalition members between 12/27/17 and 1/5/18
This is a working document that represents a complete narrative for the Skykomish-Snohomish Rivers Recreation Concept Plan to date. This plan remains subject to the ongoing discussions with the Skykomish – Snohomish River Recreation Coalition and its many affiliates and partners who inform the content.