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List of pages in the Main namespace that contain: {{Product}}
or {{product}}
- Abbe & Montgomery 2003
- Abbe et al 2003 engineered log jam for river rehabilitation
- Abbe et al 2018 design and placement of engineered log jams
- Allan 2004 land use and stream ecosystems
- Apgar et al. 2020 range-wide subyearling chinook alternative strategies
- Athearn et al 2010 mapping elevation lidar vs sonar
- Baker et al 2020 restoration scaling HaBREM
- Barnas et al 2015 pacific salmon restoration project targeting
- Barnhardt & Kawagley 2005 indigenous knowledge systems alaska
- Beck et al 2001 estuarine nursery conservation
- Beechie et al 2010 process based restoration of rivers
- Bennett et al. 2014 early coho outmigrants contribute to adult spawning
- Bland et al 2018 measuring risk of ecological collapse
- Booth et al 2004 reviving urban streams
- Bruggeman et al 2005 landscape equivalency analysis
- Burdick et al 2001 salinity affects phragmites
- Carah et al 2014 low cost wood in streams
- Carls et al 1999 herring PAH exposure effects
- Chow et al 2019 urban stormwater mortality coho salmon
- Cluer and Thorne 2014 stream evolution model
- Collins & Montgomery 2002 restoring wood in river floodplains
- Collins & Montgomery 2011 puget sound floodplain domains
- Collins & Sheik 2005 reconstruction of puget sound tidal marsh
- Collins et al 2002 historical wood in large rivers
- Collins et al 2003 reconstructing puget sound floodplains
- Collins et al 2012 floodplain large wood cycle
- County Mapping Tools
- Cox et al 2010 review ostroms design principles
- Crain et al 2004 mechanisms driving salt marsh composition
- Curriculum for the Bioregion
- Dalrymple & Choi 2007 tidal delta framework
- Darwin 1859
- David W Jamison's Puget Sound Sea Life
- David et al 2014
- De Leeuw et al. 1991 factors affecting intertidal salinity gradient
- Dethier et al 2016 impacts of armoring
- Documents
- Duda et al 2023 dam removal cost prediction
- Dunwiddie et al. 2009 restoration resilience for climate change
- EZview
- Ecology 1991 public trust doctrine and coastal zone
- Ecology 2016 modelled wetland potential
- Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment Model
- Edmonds & Slingerland 2007 delta distributary bifurcation from bar formation
- Ehrenfeld & Toth 1997 restoration in ecosystem context
- Eilers 1974 nehalem marsh biogeography
- Encyclopedia of Puget Sound
- Ewing 1986 skagit tidal marsh productivity
- Fagherazzi et al 2012 salt marsh evolution models
- Feibleman 1954 integrated levels
- Feist et al 2017 coho mortality on urban gradient in puget sound
- Finlayson 2005 lowland puget sound topobathymetry
- Ford et al 2011 salmon and steelhead status
- Formatting Templates
- Fox & Bolton 2007 typical wood quantities in unmanaged streams
- Frenkel & Eilers 1976 upper limit of oregon tidal marsh
- Frenkel & Morlan 1990 salmon river salt marsh restoration
- Galster & Schwartz 1990 ediz hook case study erosion and mitigation
- Gann et al 2019 SER restoration standards and practices
- Gari et al 2015 review DPSIR in coastal systems
- Gaydos et al 2008 principles design healthy ecosystems
- Gelfenbaum et al 2006 nearshore research strategy
- Google Earth Engine
- Google Earth Pro
- Graphics
- Grimsby et al 2007 knotweed sexual or clonal
- Gunderson & Holling 2002 panarchy transformation human natural systems
- Hall et al 2018 large river complexity and chinook productivity
- Hamlet et al 2001 climate change and water resources
- Hanson et al. 2021 seasonal diet killer whale
- Hardin 1968 tragedy of the commons
- Hayes et al. 2019 non-natal marine basin use
- Hayes et al 2011 bulltrout use in skagit bay
- Headwaters of the Salish Sea
- Hernandez et al 2019 environmental DNA fish presence south sound
- Holling & Allen 2002 adaptive inference ecosystems
- Hood 2002 channel allometry
- Hood 2002 channel geometry effect on invertebrates
- Hood 2006 tidal channel formation as depositional
- Hood 2007 tidal channel and island area
- Hood 2007 wood and skagit delta shrub swamp
- Hood 2010
- Hood 2012 beaver in tidal marsh
- Hood 2014 natural tidal channel model
- Hood 2015 factors affecting tidal channel geometry
- Hutchinson 1988 salt tolerance of plants
- Images
- Imai 2012 continuous improvement strategy
- Jefferson 1974 oregon salt marsh communities
- Kairis & Rybczyk 2010
- Kanissery et al 2019 glyphosate persistence and impacts on soil health
- Kindeberg et al 2022 multifunctional nature-based coastal defense
- Kirwan & Murray 2007 tidal marsh evolution model
- Kirwan and Guntenspergen 2010
- Kirwan et al 2008 goose impacts on delta wetlands
- Klinka et al 1989 indicator plants British Columbia
- Konrad 2015 ecological function flood risk puget sound floodplains
- Koski 2009 coho nomads
- Lacarella et al. 2024 salmon stream temperature under climate change
- Laschever 1998 washington growth management overview
- Lawrence 2006 stillaguamish temperature TMDL strategy
- Lee & Hamlet 2011 skagit river climate science
- Liedtke et al 2013
- Maps
- Mauger et al 2015 puget sound climate change
- Meadows 2008 thinking in systems
- Methow Grown
- Moffat & Bending 2000 soil restoration loose tipping
- Mofjeld et al. 2002
- Montgomery 1999 process domains and river continuum
- Montgomery et al 2003
- Morris 2007 biomass affects salt marsh accretion
- Morris et al 2002 coastal wetland sea level rise
- Mote et al 2003 preparing for climate change salmon water and forests
- Mudd et al 2009 tidal marsh, sea level, productivty and carbon
- Murcia et al 2014 novel ecosystem critique
- Murphy 2020 no one asked for ethnography
- Murphy et al 2014 puget sound ecosystem monitoring program evaluation
- NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service
- Naiman et al 2010 process-based floodplain forest patterns
- Nearshore Data Exchange
- NorWeST Database
- On-Line Mapping Tools
- On line video clips
- Ostrom 1990 governing the commons
- PRISM - RCO Project Information System
- Pelletier & Bilhimer 2004 stillaguamish temperature TMDL study
- Pess et al 2011 salmon density on Elwha ELJs
- Product Page Processing Methods
- Products
- Puget Sound Recovery Acceleration Funding Tool
- Quinn et al 2012 surf smelt spawning camano island
- Quinn et al 2013 coho salmon elwha delta pre restoration
- Raymond et al 2022 heat wave and shellfish
- Regional spatial and remote sensing data
- Report archives
- Rice 2006 surf smelt egg mortality and shade
- River History Project
- Roni et al 2015 basin scale monitoring river restoration
- Roni et al 2015 wood placement summary
- Rozance & Rabotyagov 2015 small forestland development
- Ruggiero et al 2013 coastal shoreline change
- Ryder et al 2010 defining best available science
- Salmon Conservation and Recovery Engine (SCoRE)
- Salmon Population Summary Database
- Salmonscape
- Schroeder 2019 reconstructed pre-settlement forest puget sound
- Scott 2023 valley bottom reset monitoring Deer Creek Oregon
- Seattle 20xx green shorelines outreach.pdf
- Shoreline Monitoring Database
- Simenstad et al 1982 role of estuaries in salmon life history
- Simenstad et al 2004 urban estuary restoration challenge
- Simenstad et al 2006
- Simenstad et al 2011 puget sound nearshore change analysis
- Small et al 2004 hatchery impacts on nooksack and samish coho salmon
- Snohomish County 2015 hazard mitigation plan
- Snohomish County River Atlas
- Snowden & Boone 2007 decision in complex systems
- Soloviev & Landua 2016 regenerative agriculture levels
- Sound Impacts
- Speybroeck et al 2006 beach nourishment coastal defense
- Stanley et al 2012 watershed assessment water model
- Stanley et al 2019 mid-scale hydrologic characterization
- Sullivan et al 2006 defining best available science for fisheries and environmental
- Syvitski et al 2005 distributary channels and sediment dispersal
- Tanner et al 2002 south spencer restoration
- Temmerman et al. 2005
- The Conservation Gateway
- The Nearshore Map Portal
- Theuerkauf et al 2021 habitat services shellfish seaweed aquaculture
- Toft & Heerhartz 2015 juvenile salmon movement and shoreline armoring
- USDA Geospatial Data Gateway
- USGS 2020 Topobathymetric Model of Puget Sound
- US Interagency Elevation Inventory
- Urgenson et al 2009 giant knotweed implications
- Vines et al 2000 creosote and herring spawn
- WDNR 2001 ShoreZone Geodatabase
- WDOE 2024 climate guidance shoreline management
- Waterman-Hoey 2022 washington greenhouse gas emissions inventory.pdf
- Web Soil Survey
- Websites
- Weiner et al 2018 mapping bluffs and beaches
- West et al 2018 stewardship care relational values
- Williams et al 2002 hydraulic geometry
- Yang & Khangaonkar 2008
- Yang and Khangaonkar 2009
- Yang et al. 2010b
- Yang et al 2011 model flood and tide
- Yeomans 1958 the challenge of landscape