Simenstad et al 2006 conceptual model for restoration nearshore puget sound

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Simenstad, C, M Logsdon, K. Fresh, H. Shipman, M. Dethier, J. Newton. 2006. Conceptual model for assessing restoration of Puget Sound nearshore ecosystems. Puget Sound Nearshore Partnership Report No. 2006-03. Published by Washington Sea Grant Program, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Available at

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Abstract (Closed to Editing)

The PSNERP Nearshore Science Team has developed a Conceptual Model framework to aid in assessing restoration and preservation measures for nearshore ecosystems in Puget Sound. This model was designed primarily as a synthesis tool to better understand nearshore ecosystem processes and the response of nearshore ecosystems to different stressors or, alternatively, restoration actions. We have designed this model as a framework from which additional, more explicit “submodels” can be consistently developed that relate to specific nearshore stressors, landscape segments, functions, or restoration designs.


  • Establishes a conceptual framework between structure, process, and function on which subsequent PSNERP analysis is based. Many elements of the overal modelling framework have not been applied, such that concept exceeds its current application. Pcereghino 10:32, 24 October 2011 (PDT)