Snohomish Coordinated Investment Network

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The Snohomish Coordinated Investment Network is an experiment in increasing state and federal agency coordination in support of local ecosystem recovery. Governance strategies are described on the Coordinated Investment page. These efforts are generally identified by the Snohomish Sustainable Lands Strategy, sponsored by Snohomish County, and supported by the Tulalip Tribes, Snohomish Conservation District, agricultural representatives, and other partners. Coordinated investment builds on the existing efforts of the Snohomish-Stillaguamish LIO, two Lead Entities, the Snohomish Marine Resource Committee, The Snohomish Sustainable Lands Strategy, and the Snohomish Agricultural Advisory Board. This local network is augmented by dedicated state and federal staff from NOAA, TNC, PSP, Ecology, WDFW and the Water and Salmon Grant Program Coordination workgroup.


The Snohomish Coordinated Investment proposal defines eight objectives for improved federal-state-local collaboration:

A. Coordination Infrastructure - integrated place-based implementation workgroups
B. Ecosystem Design Capacity - state and federal staff support design and construction projects
C. Regulatory Efficiency - regulatory systems achieve net gain with local participation
D. Funding Efficiency - resources support priority projects with the least waste
E. Integrated Landscape Protection - integrated land use serves farm, fish and flood objectives
F. Ecosystem Observation - collaborative observation of ecosystems to inform decision making
G. Knowledge Management - shared systems for retaining and synthesizing knowledge
H. Resilience Planning - climate change and disaster resilience integrated into planning

In the Snohomish, the following efforts are supported by coordinated investment. Items with a ** are focus efforts for coordinated investment:

Place-based Projects[edit]

map showing five place-based focus areas

Five locations are the focus of the Network

1. Snohomish Delta Efforts[edit]

There are a series of efforts centered on the lower delta which will ultimately form the largest estuary restoration in Puget Sound.

2. Lower Snohomish Efforts[edit]

3. Lower Skykomish Efforts[edit]

4. Lower Stillaguamish Floodplain Efforts[edit]

The Lower Stillaguamish generally incorporates the estuary in the local vernacular.

5. Railroad Beach Efforts[edit]

Snohomish County-Wide Efforts[edit]

Network-wide efforts support the development of local systems that in turn support multiple landscape workgroups. Development of a shared communications strategy is anticipated to improve transparency of agency activities.

Regional Supporting Efforts[edit]

The following projects are anticipated provide value to local workgroups. A quarterly Steering Committee of agency leadership solves problems.
