Puget Sound Action Agenda
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The Action Agenda is a document developed and maintained by the Puget Sound Partnership as authorized by the Washington State Puget Sound Initiative legislation of 2008, to organize, prioritize and track actions that recover the Puget Sound.
- The action agenda serves as the governing plan for the EPAs National Estuary Program. Puget Sound Partnership serves the State of Washington as the NEP partner for Puget Sound.
- EPA uses the development of the Action Agenda and related analyses as guiding distribution of NEP funds, which represent a significant portion of federal funding to the Salish Sea.
- While the Action Agenda has a general framework and objectives, it is also a catalog of Near Term Actions (NTAs) that contribute to those objectives.
- A new process for revision of the Action Agenda and Near Term Actions (NTAs) was developed in 2016, with the intent of replacing a more traditional competitive grant program run by various state agencies.