Zis a Ba Restoration
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The Stillaguamish Tribe acquired an 90 acre farm parcel surrounded by the Old Stillaguamish channel and located in the historical Stillaguamish Delta for the purpose of restoration. The site was
Quote from project proposal:
- We [Stillaguamish Tribe] propose to acquire an 83 acre parcel of floodplain ground that lies along the old Stillaguamish Mainstem, across from Leque Island/city of Stanwood, and conduct a feasibility/design assessment for restoring estuary habitat on the parcel. The parcel proposed for acquisition falls within the estuary priority restoration area listed in the 2005 Stillaguamish Chinook Recovery Plan. This project will primarily benefit Chinook salmon, providing needed rearing habitat for juveniles. Data from the Stillaguamish estuary suggests that the current state of habitat is limiting smolt production (Griffith 2009), perhaps explaining why significant reductions in harvest have not translated to long term increases in adult returns (contrary to increases observed on the Skagit and Snohomish). This project will also reduce flood elevations on Florence Island and around the city of Stanwood by providing increased storage and improved conveyance in the old mainstem. Although little on-the-ground progress has been made towards the Stillaguamish Chinook recovery plan estuary targets, the proposed project should ensure that progress is made towards the goals.
- Now referred to as "South Pass Restoration" in PRISM and HWS