Union Slough Restoration
- Salish Sea References
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The City of Everett in collaboration with the US Army Corps of Engineers have completed a dike breach on historical delta wetlands immediately to the east of the current City of Everett sewerage treatment ponds.
Project in Habitat Work Schedule
The joint City of Everett and Corps of Engineers project restored riverine and tidal influence to 93 acres of intertidal riverine habitat. The project is divided into 35 acres as part of the cost-shared Federal Section 1135 project, and 58 acres as a mitigation project of the City of Everett. The project is designed to restore intertidal salmon rearing habitat that historically existed along Union Slough.
The construction of the setback dike was completed in 2004 and the three 180 ft breach openings of the existing levee were completed in Fall 2007. Since then two years of monitoring for the City’s mitigation site have been completed. There have been a number of issues with the drainage of the site between tide cycles and the bridges that were constructed at the dike breach openings. In 2010 the project team is in the process of design and permitting to remove the bridges and relocate the pedestrian trail. Construction is anticipated during the fish window of 2011.
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