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See also Snohomish Climate Resilience Planning
The Snohomish Watershed is the second largest watershed draining to Puget Sound, and includes the Skykomish River and Snoqualmie River which combine to form the Snohomish near the City of Monroe. The mainstem Snohomish River then flows through Snohomish Lord Hill Reach, and past French Slough Floodplain and Watershed on river right, and Marshlands Drainage District on river left, to the confluence of the Pilchuck River Watershed at the City of Snohomish. At this point the river is under Tidal Influence and becomes the Snohomish Estuary, the largest historical freshwater tidal swamp in Puget Sound, now surrounded by the City of Everett on river left, City of Lake Stevens and City of Marysville at the confluence of Quilceda Watershed. The massive watershed includes Conservation Lands in alpine areas, extensive areas of both public and private Forestry The Snohomish Watershed is called WRIA 07 in the state watershed system, and is called HUC 17110011 in federal watershed nomenclature. The watershed includes large portions of Snohomish County, and eastern King County.
- The Snohomish and Lower Snoqualmie river floodplains are very low gradient due to glacial scouring and are continuing to fill with alluvium. By contrast, the Lower Skykomish, Tolt, and Pilchuck river floodplains have a contrasting river valley landform, with a steeper gradient, and the river working through accumulated alluvium (Collins & Montgomery 2011).
- File:Lower snohomish watershed.pdf [PDF 2' x 3'] - showing land cover, hydrology, and potential watershed units
- The City of Everett passed a 2024 ordinance enshrining Rights of Nature for the river.
Miscellaneous Web Sites[edit]
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- Baek et al 2015 mid-spencer 60% design
- Beamer et al 2024 landscape determinants of estuary habitat use chinook salmon
- Booth et al 2021 lower skykomish geomorphic assessment
- Cardno 2020 lower skykomish channel migration zone
- Cereghino 2007 qwuloolt wetland assessment
- Cereghino 2015 coordinated investment snohomish framework
- City of Everett 2001 snohomish estuary wetland salmon overlay
- City of Marysville 1999 allen quilceda management plan
- DeVries 2015 lower snohomish geomorphic assessment
- Dittbrenner et al 2017 snohomish coastal resilience proposal
- Evans & Moore 2011 snohomish sustainable lands strategy framework
- FCWMC 2004 french creek watershed management plan
- Flint 2012 woods creek riparian action plan
- Forterra 2018 DRAFT skykomish-snohomish rivers recreation concept plan
- Greene et al 2021 chinook salmon estuary density dependance
- Hall et al 2019 DRAFT snohomish monitoring plan
- Haring 2002 snohomish wria 7 limiting factors for salmon
- Hass 2001 snohomish ecosystem restoration opportunities
- Hurner et al 2016 snohomish stillaguamish LIO ecosystem recovery plan
- LeDoux & Kubo 2020 snoqualmie riparian buffer task force final report
- Mauger et al 2015 snohomish downscale hydrologic projections
- Meidev & Neslon 2016 qwuloolt lessons learned
- PSRC 2018 regional open space conservation plan
- Rice 2011 DRAFT qwuloolt monitoring plan
- SAEDAT 2007 snohomish agricultural development strategy
- SBSRF 2005 snohomish river basin salmon conservation plan
- SBSRTC 2004 snohomish ecological analysis salmon
- SCB 2015 snohomish county agriculture research
- SCD 2016 riparian easement grant figures
- SCD 2016 riparian easement grant proposal
- SCSWM 2012 middle pilchuck river assessment
- SCSWM 2012 pilchuck river geomorphic assessment
- SCSWM 2012 pilchuck river habitat assessment
- SCSWM et al 2015 snohomish salmon protection plan
- SEE 2015 french creek drainage district regions and ditches
- Savery & Hook 2003 habitat and chinook in pilchuck river
- SnoCo 2014 DRAFT lower skykomish reach scale plan
- Snohomish County 2005 agriculture action plan
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- Snohomish County 2015 hazard mitigation plan
- Snohomish County 2020 smith and mid-spencer monitoring year 0-1
- Tulalip Tribes et al 2009 quilceda in lieu fee program.pdf
- USACE 2011 qwuloolt environmental assessment.pdf
- WSE 2021 snohomish hydrologic and hydraulic modelling.pdf
- Wright 2021 integrated floodplain management puget sound.pdf
- Wright et al 2001 snohomish fecal coliform TMDL.pdf
- Yang & Khangaonkar 2007.pdf
All Images[edit]
- Cereghino 2015 lower snohomish watershed