SAEDAT 2007 snohomish agricultural development strategy
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View File: SAEDAT 2007 snohomish agricultural development strategy.pdf
Snohomish County Agricultural Economic Development Action Team. 2007. Report to county executive. 34 pp.
- Describes results of SAEDAT committe work.
- Makes recommendations for preserving the agricultural land base, building on the Snohomish Agriculture Action Plan.
- Suggests expansion of PDR and TDR programs in combination with dedicated county revenue for acquisition of development rights.
- Suggests reducing regulatory redundancy, focusing on activities rather than critical areas, to stabilize regulation to encourage long-term investment--and references Chapter 30.62A Part 600 Agricultural Activities (See Snohomish County Code
- Suggests increased farmer education including development of an Agricultural Ombudsman
- Proposes a 4-6:1 mitigation requirement for habitat restoration.
- Suggests directing PDR/TDR acquisitions for 95% agricultural benefit.
- Suggests allowing compatible use in habitat areas (NTFP, selective harvest, rotational grazing).
- Proposes reducing regulatory complexity around farm infrastructure investments.
- Infrastructure Strategy 3 proposes development of a 100 year vision for agriculture
- Describes the need for proactive flood control planning between SWM and Valley flood districts, and proposes a set of interlocal agreements to coordinate SWM and Districts in flood and drainage management.