Coordinated Investment

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word cloud of vision document

Coordinated Investment was an effort to increase information feedback between integrated local teams and the diverse regional agency programs that create their operating environment, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of ecosystem management. Special emphasis was placed on listening to local teams that cross governmental silos (for example integrating farm, fish, flood, and water supply issues) because of their ability to identify improvement opportunities within government.

The Snohomish Coordinated Investment Network page describes a range of activities and actors that was evaluated as part of pilot work in Snohomish County, leading to the pilot improvement projects listed below.


Seasonal status reports are e-mailed to coordinated investment partners:

Improvement Projects

The following wiki pages describe coordinated investment efforts:

The following pages describe topics being pursued with support from coordinated investment efforts:

Effort Documentation

Activities and documents are provided in reverse chronology

STEP 4 - 2018 Design of Continuous Improvement System with Ecosystem Coordination Board

See the Continuous State-Federal System Improvement for ongoing work

STEP 3 - 2017-18 Implementation of Snohomish Improvement Projects

  1. On Nov 30, 2016 the ad hoc committee met and agreed to forward a proposal to existing regional leadership forums to implement some pilot coordination actions.
  2. SLS prepared a memo to the Ecosystem Coordination Board, Results Washington, and the Puget Sound Federal Task Force making recommendations for implementation of 6 improvement projects and suggesting an ongoing relationship between integrated local efforts and regional leadership. This was followed by a presentation to ECB and a presentation to Results Washington. Results Washington provided a letter promising collaboration in return. ECB staff have followed up with an effort to clarify a shared barrier identification process integrating work by Coordination Investment with work by Floodplains by Design and Puget Sound Partnership's Implementation Strategies.
  3. File:SLS 2016 Snohomish coordinated investment proposal.pdf - describes four proposals for improving the Snohomish operating environment for ecosystem management, reviewed by the ad hoc Coordinated Investment steering committee and SLS partners. The following draft products were developed for implementation planning.The Ad Hoc Steering Committee has dispersed after approving a request by the Snohomish Sustainable Lands Strategy to regional partners to consider a pilot effort in coordinated investment.
  4. Those projects have been considered by Results Washington, the Puget Sound Federal Task Force, and the Puget Sound Ecosystem Coordination Board for implementation

STEP 2 - 2016 Development of Snohomish Proposal

Following a series of interviews with agency programs and local partners a next phase of work aims to implement coordination efforts that maximize the effectiveness of local teams.

  1. File:Coordinated Investment 2016 agency homework.pdf - an agency by agency rendition of the proposed work plan in the draft proposal below.
  2. File:Coordinated Investment 2016 draft snohomish proposal.pdf - a four page refinement of the framework, with a proposal for development of coordination infrastructure, and an initial work plan.
  3. File:Cereghino 2015 coordinated investment snohomish framework.pdf - a continuously revised framework describing eight coordination initiatives anticipated to improve our ability to increase the four most valued ecosystem services.
  4. File:Cereghino 2015 Snohomish overview map.pdf - a map describing potential focus areas in the lower snohomish landscape.

STEP 1 - 2014-2015 Concept Development with State-Federal Partners

The following documents were developed between late 2014 and late 2015, and represent a range of conversations about "what does better state-federal coordination look like?". This led to the exploration of a Snohomish County pilot.

  1. File:Cereghino 2015 coordinated investment concept.pdf provides a series of power point slides used to facilitate a discussion of how we achieve coordinated ecosystem recovery in places.
  2. File:Cereghino 2015 grant administrative streamlining.docx describes a scope of work for integrating state grant applications as a foundation for regional integrated grant applications. Some of these ideas are being integrated into the Water and Salmon Grant Program Coordination.
  3. File:Cereghino 2015 coordinated investment vision.pdf is a four page document that defines some of the problems facing ecosystem recovery and some ideas on how to organize effort.
  4. An Initial response to the vision document was provided by NWIFC staff in File:NWIFC 2015 DRAFT coordinated investment recommendations.pdf
  5. File:Cereghino et al 2015 coordinated investment framework.pdf is a simplification of the vision document to rally clarity, and suggests eight concepts that could structure inter-agency coordination with empowered local workgroups.
  6. File:Cereghino 2015 coordinated investment one page.pdf provides a one page synthesis of the coordinated investment vision and project as of June 2015, and indicates a focus on testing the concepts in the Lower Snohomish basin.

