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The Skykomish Bio-cultural Restoration Field Station is a volunteer-driven stewardship program developed by The Ecosystem Guild and supported by Snohomish Conservation District and NOAA Restoration Center and Tulalip Tribes of Washington as a prototype for the vision of a network of Bio-Cultural Restoration Field Stations in the Salish Sea. Stewardship groups can gather and camp on conservation lands in the Lower Skykomish Floodplain to design, install and tend riparian forests, experimenting within a Regenerative Riverscape Agroforestry framework.
Key Documents
- Skykomish Logistics Sheet - used to inform participants, describing the location and situation.
- File:Ecosystem guild handbook DRAFT.pdf - a conceptual document describing our working social-cultural framework.
- File:SnoCD volunteer registration.pdf - the form by which each participant becomes an SCD sponsor.
- Field Station Invitation Page - the description of the program with a link to the signup form
- Registration Form (PDF) - a google form used to signup for field station participation.
- Group Steward Instructions and Roster - used by "groups stewards" bringing a group to a field station.
Site Resources
Efforts and documentation are designed within a standard Landscape-Site-Unit framework.
- File:Skykomish field station map set.pdf - provides landscape and site sheets
Lower Skykomish Floodplain Landscape
- LANDSCAPE - The the Skykomish field station is in the Lower Skykomish Floodplain
- REINER FARM SITE - *Site documentation can be found at the Reiner Farm page.
- File:Cereghino 2022 preliminary Reiner buffer assessment.pdf describes vegetation and provides a preliminary species lists.
- File:Soil series descriptions.pdf includes NRCS soil descriptions for the Pilchuck and Sultan soil series common on the farm.
- Haskell Slough Protection and Restoration - the Reiner family was an early adopter in attempting to improve habitat conditions along the river and Haskell Slough.
- File:Cereghino 2023 Reiner stewardship plan.pdf is a working document describing units and management strategies in the Reiner Farm Buffers. There are currently 4 units in assessment, design or under management. Cereghino & Busen 2023 provides unit assessments to support design at The Mother Garden, The Pond Forest and The Conifer Plantation.
- PATCHES AND TRAILS UNDER MANAGMENT - we are still mapping management areas and are tracking conditions on a shifting set of units.
Other Efforts of the Field Station
A field station may have other experiments and topics, and on obvious focus for Skykomish is Knotweed control:
- Knotweed Control Experiments - initial research and experimentation with shading and harvest for mulch for root starvation.
- A NOAA/SCD VetCorps position supports the field station in development of Regenerative Riverscape Agroforestry - File:VetCorps position 2023.pdf describes the last recruitment.
Field Station Gallery
Each field station adds to photo documentation sheets to a working document. Events are build around an eight-season year.