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The State of Washington contains Puget Sound, Whidbey Basin, Hood Canal, and the US side of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the San Juan Islands. The Executive Branch implements state law to manage natural resources. State authority has been divided among an exceptionally large number of agencies.
Along with Federal Government the state creates the environment in which local actors interact with the ecosystem. Different Laws authorize different state agencies to regulate and administrate land use as managed most directly by local Jurisdictions
State agencies receive funds and authority from federal agencies, and in turn have relationships with local jursidictions.
After the The Boldt Decision (and as affirmed in The Culvert Case), Washington State must co-manage fisheries with Tribal Governments. A more integrated discussion of the interactions of agencies is found on the government page.
The following state agencies are described in the wiki:
- Conservation Districts
- Environmental and Land Use Hearings Office
- French Slough Flood Control District
- Governor's Salmon Recovery Office
- Island Conservation Corps
- Mason Conservation District (MCD)
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
- Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
- Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
- Municipal Research and Services Center
- Northwest Natural Resources Group
- Port of Everett
- Public Works Board
- Puget Sound Partnership
- Results Washington
- San Juan Island Conservation District
- Snohomish Conservation District
- Snoqualmie Valley Watershed Improvement District
- The Ecosystem Guild
- Thurston Conservation District
- Thurston County
- Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Washington Farmland Trust
- Washington Recreation and Conservation Office
- Washington State Conservation Comission
- Washington State Department of Agriculture
- Washington State Department of Commerce
- Washington State Department of Ecology
- Washington State Department of Enterprise Services
- Washington State Department of Health
- Washington State Department of Natural Resources
- Washington State Department of Transportation
- Washington State Military Department
- Washington State Office of the Governor
- Whatcom Conservation District