Estimation of Typical High Intertidal Beach-Face Slope in Puget Sound

From Salish Sea Wiki

This was a short-term effort by NOAA Restoration Center to support regulation under the Endangered Species Act on Beach landforms. An extensive study was completed by randomly sampling shorelines using remote sensing data to estimate typical beach slope on un-armored beaches. This allows for a Best Available Science estimate of the area affected by armoring placed or repaired at a particular elevation on a beach. It was used to inform the Puget Sound Nearshore Habitat Conservation Calculator which is based on Habitat Equivalency Analysis.


  • This effort was inovative in that it used TCARI model outputs and high resolution topobathymetry (USGS 2020) to establish a Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) line for the purpose of observing high beach slope on natural beaches.
  • This is the first known rendering of HAT in the Puget Sound, which is significant because NOAA has indicated that HAT is the appropriate extent of its management of Critical Habitat for Puget Sound Chinook Salmon