Flood Hazard and Ecosystem Management Coordination
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This effort used interviews and discussion sessions to develop a policy framework for accelerating the coordination of flood hazard management and ecosystem recovery in floodplains.
Floodplain managers may have an opportunity to shift from fighting floods and land use conflicts, to designing floodplains that provide multiple benefits. We currently have multiple overlapping floodplain management systems: 1) the fight and repair system, 2) the land use control system, and 3) the design-build system. Poor integration of these systems creates professional isolation, conflict, and vulnerability in the face of climate change. We can improve floodplain management by enhancing the floodplain design-build system to generate projects that can bridge historical conflicts and deliver improved floodplain functions. We identify five short-term actions for advancing integrated floodplain management. Each action requires cross-agency collaboration.
- Conversations have been occurring both under the auspices of a TNC and NOAA cooperative agreement workgroup, and Floodplains Local and Regional Exchange sessions.
- A draft policy paper is under review and revision.