Woodard Creek Stormwater Retrofit Study
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The Water Resources Division was awarded a grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology under the National Estuary Program Watershed Protection and Restoration Grant Program. The grant will fund a stormwater retrofit study of the Woodard Creek Basin. Woodard Creek was selected as a priority basin for this project to address problems identified through the Henderson Inlet TMDL and to maintain existing water quality and stream ecological function within a basin that is currently considered sensitive and subject to significant future growth.
The consulting team of AHBL Civil Engineers and Northwest Hydraulic Consultants was selected to work with Water Resources staff to identify, characterize, and prioritize stormwater retrofit opportunities and needs on both public and private property. It is anticipated that a list of approximately 15 to 20 potential projects can be developed and those projects will be prioritized to identify 5 projects for which a Pre-Design report will be prepared. Only projects suitable for implementation by Thurston County within existing public right-of-way or property owned or that can be acquired by the County will proceed to the Pre-Design stage.
The highest priority projects will have a pre-design report prepared and will be prioritized and incorporated into the Thurston County Stormwater Utility’s Capital Facilities Plan for construction using existing capital facility funding through the utility and grant funding where available.