Washington Coastal Hazards Resilience Network

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A network dedicated to improving regional coordination and collaboration through effective partnerships among hazards and climate change practitioners to make Washington's coastal communities more resilient to natural hazards.

The CHRN is comprised of hazards and climate change practitioners from federal and state government agencies, academic institutions, and nonprofit organizations that are involved in coastal hazard management and/or producing risk and hazard assessments for marine shorelines in Washington State. The primary purpose of the Coastal Hazards Resilience Network (CHRN) is to improve regional coordination, integration, and understanding of coastal hazards and climate change impacts through effective partnerships. In addition, the network aims to address multi-hazard planning, preparedness, adaptation, response and recovery as critical needs in Washington State. Since its establishment, the Network has become a useful point of contact for those interested in engaging with other state agencies on coastal resilience issues.

Currently, the CHRN has over 50 members (4/23/2015) from different sectors from around Washington and Oregon. The diagram below illustrates the different agencies and groups who are currently members. For a more detailed membership list, please see our membership page.


  • A blog and list serve are managed by a Washington Sea Grant [Hershman Fellow].
  • They are primarily an information sharing network, but are exploring other functions.
  • they have an archive of some reports [1]