Puget Sound Vital Signs

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updated vital signs infographic representing changes in support of the 2022-26 action agenda
version 2 of the vital signs, updated by version 3 in 2022

The Puget Sound Vital Signs program is an effort by the Puget Sound partnership to communicate progress toward Puget Sound recovery.

In 2010, the Puget Sound Partnership engaged our regional experts and the public in identifying the key ecosystem indicators and pressures that would help us identify whether we were making progress in restoring the Sound. In 2011, the Leadership Council adopted targets – specific measures that we could use as 'Vital Signs' of Puget Sound's health. The indicators and targets have been incorporated into a Dashboard that is intended to help us track our efforts. The Dashboard will serve as a report card on our success in meeting our targets.



  • 2022 Puget Sound partnership updates t

The following topics are associated with vital signs.

Protect and Restore Habitat

Species and Food Webs

Water Quantity

Water Quality

Healthy Human Population

Quality of Life