Riparian Data Engine

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  • Robin Hale presented to PSEMP in 2024, from the Habitat Division at WDFW, working with Environmental Science Associates.
  • WDFW is developing a decision support tool to prioritize riparian restoration and protection.
  • Characterize riparian vegetation conditions.
  • Began work in 2022 following the legeslative riparian initiative.
  • Allows filtering of stream lines based on a variety of attribtes, and then details on each reach, and summary data on the network of reaches selected. This allows for search image. You will also be able to support network analysis to look upstream or downstream from any point.
  • The unit of assessment is a Riparian Management Zone is based on 200 year site potential tree height.
  • Builds from the High Resolution Aerial Imagery Change Detection effort.
  • Aims to provide for early release in 2025 and a public tool for 2026.