Salmon Recovery Lead Entities
Workgroups are collaborative communities, often within an organization that complete efforts
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The System of Lead Entities was created by the Washington State Legislature to support local management of salmon recovery. Lead Entity contracts are managed by the Governor's Salmon Recovery Office which currently operates out of the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office. The Lead entity budget supports a part time coordinator who staffs a citizen and technical advisory group, and supports development of a 4-year workplan that distributes and annual allocations from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board. Lead entities are responsible for describing future projects in the Habitat Work Schedule, a database describing the salmon recovery effort.
Lead entity coordinators in Puget Sound also frequently serve as Puget Sound watershed leads in Puget Sound Chinook recovery planning processes. There are confusing similarities and overlap between the state lead salmon recovery system, and the roles played in the federally led listing and recovery process under the Endangered Species Act
- PSP has a listing of Puget Sound Lead Entity Coordinators and their contact info.
- Lead Entity Directory by RCO.
- Snohomish Lead Entity - Snohomish County funds the coordinator, with PSAR capacity supporting an additional staff at Tulalip Tribes.